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  5. Balance LOC Index

Balance LOC Index

The Balance LOC Index % (ILI) metric is a DETANGLE® Knowledge Distribution metric based on issues selected by the “Features” filter.

The “Features” filter is normally used to select the issue types which capture the functionality (e.g. user stories or features) as “functional” issues of your system in your issue tracker.

The Balance LOC Index metric reflects the ratio of LOC of code modules changed by all contributors working in teams-of-two in relation to the LOC of all changed code modules when implementing “Feature” issues.

The Balance LOC Index must not be too low and not too high, since:

  • a high value indicates many code modules being worked on mainly together and no parallel work at all,
  • a low value reveals a suboptimal level of work in teams-of-two and low extent of knowledge sharing
  • a medium value represents an optimum of knowledge sharing

Therefore,  icons in the DETANGLE® diagrams on BLI are used for the following to thresholds:

  • 👎 less than 20% of the LOC of changed code modules count up to the current BFI value in the last time period.
  • ⚠️less than 40% but more than 20% of the LOC of changed code modules count up to the current BLI in the last time period.
  • 👍 more than 40% of the LOC of changed code modules count up to the current BLI value in the last time period.


BLI is calculated along the code structure of the code base, for files, folders, the whole system and for each time period:

Health Factors



“functional” issue











Feature Debt Index x x x x
Contributor Friction Index x x x x
Defect Impact x x x x
Defect Density x x x x
Team Effectiveness x x x x
Bus Factor
x x x x
Bus Factor Balances x x x x
Islands LOC Index x x x
Balance LOC Index x x x

Take a look at DETANGLE® Metrics at a Glance for an overview of all metrics.

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